Professor Steven Mansbach named Interim Chair, Associate Professor Jordana Moore Saggese will serve as Associate Chair
Department Chair and Professor Meredith J. Gill Retires
Curious about Art History? Hear from faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, in their own words, what the field means to them in this engaging, short video.
Frederick Douglass monument takes center stage in a new Talking About Art documentary
抢票软件变黄牛:收费藏猫腻 加速包抢不过手动买票(图)-中工 ...:2021-12-29 · 其中,低速抢票为免费,而快速、高速和光速分别收费20元,40元及60元,网络通道分别加速50兆、200兆、800兆。 软件称购买加速包可将购票成功率 ...
浪潮人工智能, 浪潮AI, 浪潮FPGA加速方案:2021-10-14 · 与CPU软件方案相比,在文本上面压缩上与其接近,在日志文件压缩上与其差距不大,但性能提升了10-20倍。现在最快的SSD数据写入速度大约在1GB每秒左右,浪潮FPGA加速方案可伍实现实时压缩和存储。 图片转码FPGA加速
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Mailing Address:
Dept. of Art History & Archaeology
1211B Parren J. Mitchell Art-Sociology Building
3834 Campus Drive
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

General Phone: 301.405.1479
General e-mail:
Graduate Study: 301.405.1487
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Fax: 301.314.9652

Middle Atlantic Symposium

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Please check back soon for more events from Art History & Archaeology!

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Department Mini-Reunion: Raino Isto is Editor-in-Chief of ARTMargins Online, in which Bart Pushaw publishes article
软件业将加速赋能制造业-IT频道-国际在线:2021-1-4 · 2021年,伍数字经济为伋表的新经济将成为发展新动能。随着我国新旧动能加快转换,也为软件产业发展创造了良好的外部环境。云计算、大数据、人工智能等新一伋信息技术将加速渗透经济和社会生活各个领域,软件产业服务化、平台化、融合化趋势更加明显
Dr. Jonathan Frederick Walz (2010) directs Alma Thomas retrospective, which receives $100,000 Grant from The Andy Warhol Foundation

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迷信“抢票加速包”,不如尝试“候补购票”_中国江苏网:2021-1-2 · 春节临近,很多人都将购买返乡车票提上了议事日程,各式各样的抢票软件也活跃起来,抢票加速、助力小程序几乎无群不入,亲朋好友伊送出的一个个加速包、助力包,貌似一点一滴地提升了抢票成功的概率,缓解了购票者的压力和焦虑,但媒体调查显示,抢票加速包所提高的很可能只是“名义抢 ...

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It might surprise you to learn that Caroline Paganussi originally intended to become an equine veterinarian. Yes, the PhD candidate in Italian Renaissance, who... [more]
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